Capturing animals

October 13, 2007

Just with the lens though, I try to keep the traps to a minimum. I found most of these critters right outside my front or back door except for Woody who lives a couple of blocks away. This is the only pileated woodpecker I’ve ever seen let alone capture in digital format. He or she was kind enough to allow me to walk a half mile back home, get the camera and take a couple of shots. Must have been good eats in the rotten tree.

These baby squirrels I collected in a planter after they started falling from a tree in the yard. I don’t know where momma got to but these little ones did not have enough skills to fend for themselves. I collected four in all, two of them stunned on the ground, one from the tree and one scampered into my garage. They seem to be partial to Granny Smith. Luckily there is a lady a couple neighborhoods over who takes care of baby mammals of all kinds and releases them into the wild. I doubt what she does is legal (a garage full of wild baby animals) but imagine her kindness keeps people looking the other way.





There are more celebrating Phoctober at Moon Topples.

10 Responses to “Capturing animals”

  1. Moon Topples Says:

    Some really great shots, here, Matthew, So glad you’re sharing them with us.

  2. Matthew Says:

    Thanks Moon Topples, glad to have the opportunity to share them and take part in the festivities.

  3. These really made me smile – clearly what you find outside your back and front door is not entirely different to what I find outside mine!
    I’ve now got to go off and sort through the hundreds of largely unsuccessful whale shots I took yesterday – I think a powerful lens is definitely necessary! 😉

  4. Verilion Says:

    Ok the squirrels are very cute, but I love the woodpecker shot. That is just fantastic. Wow. I’m glad you guys are showcasing all this, because I do love the countryside, I just can’t imagine living in it!

  5. Verilion Says:

    Oh BTW I’ve given you a wee little award over at my blog.

  6. Matthew Says:

    Absolute Vanilla-Yes these critters come out all over the place…I look forward to your whale shots.

    Verilion-Thanks, I’m glad to share and also have a peek at the Paris I’ve never personally witnessed. We are truly windows into other worlds! And thanks again for the award, that’s mighty nice of ya’.

  7. Colton Says:

    I really enjoyed the photography here. Your experience with the Pileated Woodpecker displayed above reminds me of an experience of my own that happened two weeks ago. I was working in the garage with the door open and I heard a woodpecker clamoring away on one of the trees that arbor my quiet street. He/she was jumping around the trunk apparently looking for an afternoon snack… I ran inside to grab my telephoto lens, which took less than one minute’s time, but the bird was gone by the time I made in back to the garage. I’m not sure if it was a Pileated Woodpecker as I don’t remember any pronounced red plumage on it’s head, but it would have been a nice shot.

    I think you may enjoy this little fellow. In the early morning the Hummingbirds swarm the feeders at my friend’s cabin in such a fashion that you might almost mistake them for bees. For a bird that I’ve always considered quite elusive, I was rather astonished to see more than even one in an hour. The photo was taken in Southern Colorado, only 15 miles from the New Mexican Border. (If your lucky, and very still, you can get them to perch on your finger.)


  8. Matthew Says:

    Hey Colton-nice to see you again. I think sometimes you just have to get lucky to get that right shot. The picture of the hummingbird is fantastic! Your friend’s cabin sounds like a magical place–I only see hummingbirds on rare occasions and then for only an instant.

    It actually took me about thirty minutes to walk back home, grab the camera and drive back to where I saw the woodpecker. I couldn’t believe that the bird was still there hammering away. Only when I got too close did the critter swoop away further into the forest area.

  9. Colton Says:

    Yes, luck has a lot to do with it…

    I find wildlife photography cathartic. There is something about the whole experience of tip-toeing through brambles as you sneak up on a cardinal that is relaxing. Capturing that perfect shot you envision in your mind’s eye, and attaining it, is especially a task when you factor in the unpredictability of animals, but when you do it’s very intrinsically rewarding… Although, I’m sure you already know this.

    Looking forward to more,

  10. Matthew Says:

    You’ve expressed it well, the hunter and the hunted without loss of life. I’m almost reminded of boyhood escapades as I scoot around bushes and trees trying to zoom in before the creature flitters away. And there is always the satisfaction of the chase coming to fruition with that shot that turns out just right. Colton, thanks for the reminder.

    (I’ve still got the Rum Diary checked out but I haven’t cracked it yet. Soon.)

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